Histology: Digestive System, 15 microscope slides



72380 Histology: Digestive System, 15 microscope slides – 1. Tooth human, t.s. of root. 2. Tooth development, medium stage l.s. 3. Tongue of cat, papilla with thick cornified layer, l.s. 4. Oesophagus of cat or dog, t.s. 5. Stomach of cat, fundic region t.s. 6. Duodenum of cat or dog, t.s. showing Brunner’s glands. 7. Jejunum of cat or dog, t.s. 8. Small intestine of dog, injected to show the blood vessels and capillary network t.s. 9. Vermiform appendix, human t.s. 10. Colon, t.s. stained with muci-carmine or PAS for demonstration of mucous cells. 11- Parotid gland of cat, t.s. of a pure serous gland. 12. Submaxillary gland of cat, t.s. of a mixed serous and mucous gland. 13. Pancreas of pig, t.s. showing islets of Langerhans. 14. Liver of pig, t.s. showing well developed connective tissue. 15. Gall bladder of sheep, t.s.

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